Environmental Planning & NEPA
IES not only identifies and documents any roadblocks to successful mission support, we provide alternatives to avoid such pitfalls, and ensure timely, cost-effective project implementation. This is accomplished through efficient coordination and communication with all involved in the process. The environmental planning services provided by Integrated Environmental Solutions are broad but are generally centered around National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation (i.e., Categorical Exclusions [CATEX], Environmental Assessments [EA], and Environmental Impact Statements [EIS] / Environmental Impact Reports [EIR]). Integrated Environmental Solutions approach has been proven by success. Our staff has provided NEPA compliance services for more than 10 years, successfully completing more than 100 NEPA documents to date.

NEPA consulting services provided by
Integrated Environmental Solutions include:
- On-Site Training Programs & Materials
- Agency Regulation Supplements
- Compliance Reviews
- Document Preparation
- Public Scoping/Hearings
NEPA projects successfully completed in support of clients’ objectives include efforts relating to the construction/modification of:
- Roadways
- Rail/Transit Lines
- Airports
- Utility & Product Distribution Lines
- Outdoor Recreation Facilities & Amenities (trails, etc.)
- Facilities & Infrastructure
Additional NEPA efforts conducted in support of Department of Defense (DoD)
mission objectives have included:
- Plan and Program Implementation (e.g., Integrated Natural/Cultural Resources Management Plans, General Plans, etc.)
- Property Transactions
- Natural Resources Damage Assessments
- Utility Privatizations
- Infrastructure Construction & Modification
- Base Realignment & Closure (BRAC) Activities
- Troop and/or Aircraft Realignments
- Operational Training Exercises (land- and sea-based)
- Weapons Testing, Training, and Deployment (land- and sea- based)